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O't o'chiruvchi qalpoq

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ATI-FIRE EN Black Fireman Hood Full Face Balaclava Fire Retardant Fireman's protective mask balaclava

  • Tavsif
  • Texnik xususiyatlari
  • ilovalar
  • afzalliklari
  • Shu Mahsulotlar
A firefighter's protective mask (balaclava) is used with a double function. lt completely protects the head, neck and part of the face(except eyes) resistant to high temperatures. A protective mask is used inside a firefighter's helmet, made of double layer anti-static fabric for a comfortable fit and provides permanent protection against flames, scratches and wind during fires. Maintains shape and size during washing. stitches made with durable nomex thread. The mask does not melt, does not turn gray, does not change color when it comes into contact with flame.
Material: 100% Nomex
Resistance to temperature: 260℃ for 5 minutes
Weight: 1 m2 200 gr
Color: black (color, color tone by agreement with the buyer) Size: universal
The execution of all the stitches of the mask is even and correct. The thread is durable and does not break easilv under the influence of force.

Kelib o'rni ZHEJIANG XItoy
Tovar nomi ATI-FIRE
Model soni ATI-FHD-01
tasdiqlash Milliy GA 869-2010
Minimal buyurtma miqdori 15 dona
qadoqlash Tafsilotlar 1 dona yong'inga qarshi kaput bitta plastik qoplarda va bitta kartonda 50 dona.
Yetkazish vaqti 15day
to'lov shartlari TT
Ta'minot qobiliyati 100000 dona

Texnik xususiyatlari


neft-kimyo, neft va gaz, kimyo, elektroenergetika sanoati, bo'yoq va yong'in yoki elektr yoyi xavfiga duchor bo'lgan boshqa har qanday muhit


●Bosh va bo'yin uchun olov/chaqnoq himoyasi

●Yassi tikuvli tikuv dubulg‘a kiyganda bezovta qilmaydi

●Knit Hood Balaclava, Double Layer Nomex;

●Qo‘shimcha uzun bo‘yinli yubka

●Yumshoq va qulay

●Bo‘ylab tugallangan qirralar

●Olovga chidamlilik

●antistatik, hech qachon tomchilab yoki erimaydi,

● vazni engilroq,

●kimyoviy moddalarning keng doirasiga yaxshi qarshilik,

●juda qattiq kiyinish va yirtilishga chidamli va yaxshi yuviladi

Bepul taklif qiling

Bizning vakilimiz tez orada siz bilan bog'lanadi.
kopmaniya nomi