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Firefighter Hood

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ATI-IGNE LAT LAT Fireman Hood Full Face Balaclava Fireman tutela larva balaclava Retardant Fireman

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A firefighter's protective mask (balaclava) is used with a double function. lt completely protects the head, neck and part of the face(except eyes) resistant to high temperatures. A protective mask is used inside a firefighter's helmet, made of double layer anti-static fabric for a comfortable fit and provides permanent protection against flames, scratches and wind during fires. Maintains shape and size during washing. stitches made with durable nomex thread. The mask does not melt, does not turn gray, does not change color when it comes into contact with flame.
Material: 100% Nomex
Resistance to temperature: 260℃ for 5 minutes
Weight: 1 m2 200 gr
Color: black (color, color tone by agreement with the buyer) Size: universal
The execution of all the stitches of the mask is even and correct. The thread is durable and does not break easilv under the influence of force.

Locus originis ZHEJIANG CHINA
Notam nomen ATI-IGNIS
model Number ATI-FHD-01
certificatione National GA 869-2010
Minimum Ordinis Quantity frustra 15
Details packaging 1 frustum Ignis Pugnatoris cucullo in uno saccis plasticis, et 50 frusta in uno lobortis.
Tempus adferendi 15days
Payment Terms TT
Facultates copiam frustra 100000



petrochemical, oleum et gas, chemica, electricae potentiae industria, pingere et quaelibet alia rerum ambitus in quibus periculum ignium vel arcus electricas expositae sunt.


Flamma / caput et collum pro tutela mico

Flat-suturis inconsutilis non irritare cum galea

Knit Hood Balaclava, Double Layer Nomex;

Extra collum longum lacinia

Mollis et commodus

Finished oras per totum

Inherent flamma resistentia

-anti-static, numquam stillabunt aut liquefaciunt;

leuior in pondere;

lato range oeconomiae resistentia;

valde difficile amictus et reluctans lacerare et bene lavare

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